
Blumenauer Bridge Opening Day Celebration!

It was great to see so many Portlanders come out in support of yesterday’s Opening Celebration of the Congressman Earl Blumenauer Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge!

A HUGE “Thank you!” to Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, Kimberly Branam, and Lloyd’s own, Wade Lange, Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), and our partners, the Central Eastside Industrial Council, The Street Trust, Friends of the Green Loop, and Prosper Portland.

Despite the heat, friends and neighbors joined together for a fun, car-free day celebrating our communities and this new, important connection between Lloyd and the Central Eastside. Not only does the Blumenauer Bridge provide a safe and easy crossing for people walking, biking, and rolling between these two great neighborhoods, it will also serve as an important segment of the future Green Loop.

Go Lloyd is proud to have helped fund the construction of this transformative piece of infrastructure and we are happy to underwrite the cost of the pedestrian and bike counter that will be added to the plaza at the north end of the bridge (stay tuned!).

We’d like to extend a special shout out to all those who helped make the Lloyd Block Party at Hassalo Plaza such a success—Friends of the Green Loop, PBOT, Kuto, the Garrett Baxter Quartet, PDX Mobile Bike Repair, The Bookmobile Babe, Staccato Gelato, Yeah Mon Food, FoodiMenus, 40 Mile Loop Land Trust, and especially Congressman Earl Blumenauer and Commissioner Mingus Mapps (Thanks for leading our parade to the bridge, Commissioner Mapps!).

Finally, thank you to all attendees and vendors for sticking it out in the heat and helping to create such a positive atmosphere all day long.

What a fantastic way to celebrate Bridge City’s newest bridge!

Earl Blumenauer Bridge Preview

Go Lloyd recently organized a preview tour of the new Congressman Earl Blumenauer Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge, or “The Earl,” as it is affectionately known. This key piece of infrastructure will provide a much-needed pedestrian and bicycle connection between the Lloyd neighborhood and the Central Eastside, and serve as an important segment of Portland’s Green Loop.

A big “Thank you!” to Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) for giving us this unique opportunity.

We look forward to the bridge opening later this year. Stay tuned for more details.