Steptember: A Month of Movement

Go Lloyd kicked off Steptember 2022 with our guided Art Walk, where we got the chance to view local artist, Jeremy Nichols, paint the new mural on the Metro garage (located at NE 7th Avenue and Lloyd Boulevard) while chatting with the muralist.

Next up was the Historic Places Walk, where we were joined by Oregon Walks Executive Director, Ashton Simpson. We were treated with a pleasant surprise when the current owners of the historic Gov. George Chamberlain House in Irvington gracious let us enter their front yard. We observed the Victorian architecture up close and admired the giant Beech tree in the southeast corner of the yard. This tree was gifted to Chamberlain’s daughter, Carrie (herself the first Rose Festival Queen in 1907) as a seedling from George Washington’s garden at Mt. Vernon. 

All month long our Holladay Park Cleanups continued strong, with our diligent park stewards collecting and removing over 75 pounds of garbage. 

Halfway through the month, Go Lloyd and The Street Trust came together to host a PARK(ing) Day parklet on NE 6th Avenue and NE Holladay Street. We repurposed the 20 foot by 6 foot parking space to create room to ‘Relax by the MAX’ with coffee, games, and comfy chairs. Many furry companions enjoyed complimentary PARK(ing) Day dog treats while we discussed transportation inspirations and barriers with their humans. 

Later in the month on our Water Walk (with a lively and engaged group of attendees), we toured the many water features and fountains within the Lloyd neighborhood. We were joined by liaisons from Community Engagement Liaison Services (CELs), a group currently working with Go Lloyd on a DEI project. 

Our last walking tour of the month was the Blumenauer Bridge Walk, which circled back to a location on our Art Walk where we revisited the newly finished Metro garage mural and saw its vibrant, final design. We chatted about adaptive bikes and neighborhood revitalization while we strolled over the Blumenauer Bridge on a summer-like late September afternoon. 

Steptember 2022 was full of fun and movement— thank you to all the community members who joined us!