April Trivia

It’s April trivia time! Do you know the environmental impact Lloyd residents and employees make by choosing active transportation over driving alone? (Here's a hint: You can find the answer in our latest annual report.) Answer our trivia question correctly on social media or in person at the Go Lloyd Transportation Store by April 30, and be entered into our monthly drawing! This month’s prize is a $25 gift certificate to Blossoming Lotus. Reduce your own carbon footprint by enjoying this organic, plant-based world cuisine right here in Lloyd.

By removing 1,140 vehicles from the daily commute in 2018, Universal Pass holders reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by how much?

A) 1,043,148 lbs

B) 3,982,100 lbs

C) 2,782,595 lbs

D) 3,855,741 lbs

Ready to play? Get in touch with us: @golloydpdx on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram.